
Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary offers clear and concise commentary on every passage in the NLT in one handy volume. Previously published as The New Bible Companion, this helpful resource also includes introductions to each Bible book, an article about the theme of the entire Bible, and detailed maps of places mentioned in Scripture. Sunday school teachers, pastors, and anyone who studies...

until this point the disciples had thought of the Messiah as a powerful and victorious king who would deliver them from Roman oppression. This was Jesus’ time to redefine his identity as the Messiah. As the Messiah, Jesus would not free his people from Roman oppression. Rather he would follow his destiny of building his church and going through death to resurrection. Understanding his identity as the Messiah had been the disciples’ first step. The idea of the Messiah’s destiny to suffer on the cross
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